
Get an overview of how customers, staff and partners use your knowledge base

This feature helps you to track what articles are the most useful and often viewed by users, what categories are the most popular, what information users search in your knowledge base. You can browse the statistic information for all articles in the database: number of entries, number of subscribers and number of views as well as the lists of 10 most rated, most viewed and most discussed articles.

Articles Statistics

Basic statistical information is also available on the side bar on the Dashboard.

Statistics panel on dashboard

Author statistical tool can help you to track each author activity for a given period of time.

Author Statistics

Category Statistics module shows what categories are the most popular.

Category Statistics

Search statistics show what users search for in your knowledge base and if they are able to find sought-for information.

Search Statistics

By the way, one of the easiest and obvious methods to make the knowledge base really helpful is: create articles that respond to users’ failed searches.

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