Multiple Users
Add users to fill and manage your knowledgebase.
After product installation you can create accounts for other users, who will help you to create articles, approve user comments, answer to user questions, and manage the knowledgebase.
Depending on the user role, you can assign him to a corresponding group. User can also belong to several groups at the same time. In this case his permissions are the sum of those groups’ permissions.
The “Member of” tab shows to what groups current user is assigned, with ability to add and remove them. You have the complete picture what groups current user participate. Search and filters can be applied to groups list. And it is easy to add new group by picking up from the list or by using auto completer.
You can always see the number of users in the system and its limit. Once you reach the maximum number of user accounts, you’ll be informed how to extend your license.
User Registration
You can enable user registration and allow people to sign up for user accounts.
New accounts become functional immediately after registration and email verification, or require pre-moderation by staff. New users can be assigned to one or more groups automatically or stay unassigned according to your choice.
Staff can be notified about new registrations by email. You can specify people that must be notified by checking groups, users, or simply adding several email addresses, separated by commas.
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