SE Friendly and User Friendly URLs

URLs that talk for themselves and improve Search Engine ranking

Search engines prefer static URLs to dynamic URLs. Because of the way that dynamic URLs are created, they sometimes create nightmares in the area of search engine optimization. Search engines do not like to index dynamic URLs. There are multiple reasons for this, one of them being the non-standard characters like ?, &, %, =, and others in the URL. That’s why KnowledgeBase Manager Pro features SEO friendly and human readable static URLs.

There are several available options for article and category URL formats.

You can set long URL notation that includes name of current article or category and full path to it:

URLs with full path in Knowledge Base Software

Second option shows current article name in URL, it doesn’t include category names:

URL with article name only in Enterprise Wiki Software

Another URL format includes each parent category:

URL with all assigned categories in Knowledge Base Software

Fourth option doesn’t show any category or article name in URL. Article and category IDs are shown only.

Short URLs in Enterprise Wiki Software

URL format can be set in one click for all pages.

Meta Data for Articles and Categories for Small Business Knowledge Management

By default article URLs are ended with the .html like static HTML pages. However you can alter this ending with any custom value.

Each article and category can be accessed using the shortest URL notation regardless of the URL format settings, so even when you rename an article and its URL changes, it is still available via the old URL.

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