Knowledge Management System

Keep your corporate knowledge in one spot

Corporate knowledge usually diffused among papers, emails, files on server drives, and people’s thoughts. It is so hard to collect it together when necessary.

While corporate knowledge management offers a new way of thinking about data organization, its fundamental unit is still a document — and those documents need to be organized, allocated, shared and improved as they proliferate. That’s where KnowledgeBase Manager Pro comes in.

What are benefits of knowledge management systems usage?

All employees learn lessons from somebody else’s mistakes and take advantages of each other’s attainments. New and existing employees acquire job knowledge faster, reducing training time and providing higher job quality.

Corporate knowledge management systems allow employees and departments work more efficiently, avoiding re-inventing the wheel, reducing redundant work.

Knowledge management before Knowledge Base Manager Pro and using Knowledge Base Manager Pro

What do you lack in your current Knowledge Management System?

  • Weak structure
  • Hard to search
  • Infinite gaps between similar documents
  • Different types of content on a single topic are located separately

How can you motivate staff to accumulate and keep knowledge in a single place?

Easy-to-use user interface, fast ajax’ed software engine, accessible knowledge management tools urge staff on adding of new documents.

Starting from the moment when KnowledgeBase Manager Pro becomes centralized storage of knowledge, everybody contribute to knowledge base development.

KnowledgeBase Manager Pro advantages:

Structured knowledge base

Knowledge Base Manager Pro features flexible category structure. It is easy to move categories within the tree by drag-n-dropping. Documents are not hardly linked with categories, you can reassign them at any moment or even assign document to several categories simultaneously. Flexible category and document access permissions scheme allows distribution of access rights between users.

Fully searchable

Search is enabled in both public and admin area. It is possible to search by any given set of custom fields. Advanced search helps to fine-tune and refine search results by providing additional depth – search in given categories, by certain parameters, by certain logic (All words, Any word, Exact phrase) etc.

Related knowledge is nicely organized

Knowledge Base Manager Pro features automated and manual linking of related articles.

Articles with integrated rich content

Multiple files can be attached to knowledgebase documents. It is simple to upload and embed images, flash, and video on document page. Media files can be shared between articles or associated with some article only.

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