Knowledge management software solution and FAQ software for articles creation and management. Knowledge Base Manager Pro is a web based knowledge management system developed to support and enhance the organizational processes of knowledge sharing, creation, storage, retrieval, transfer, and application.

Brand new knowledge management software released – Knowledge Base Manager Pro!

We are proud to introduce KnowledgeBase Manager Pro, brand new knowledge management software, released today, on 25th of December, like a Christmas present. Knowledge Base Manager Pro is a web-based knowledge management system developed to support and enhance the organizational processes of knowledge sharing, creation, storage, retrieval, transfer, and application.

It is featured with user and group management support, allows unlimited publications for your knowledgebase content, supports multiple ways of visitor feedback gathering, provides high safety of your data with built-in automatic database backup system, article versions history, and allows recovering of deleted articles. We made use of modern Ajax technology and followed Web 2.0 design and usability trends to make KnowledgeBase Manager Pro knowledge management software fast and convenient.

Take a feature tour or try the Online Demo to learn more about our knowledge management software.

Dashboard of Knowledgebase Manager Pro - knowledge management software.
  • Gray
    looks nice
  • Goooodman
    Really cool cutting edge ajax driven software with great WEB 2.0 user interface!!! Quite handy in use. My colleagues and I like it! Already use it! Give it a try.
  • sureshkumar
    I want to the knowledge base management software..
  • AprM
    We have been looking for a knowledge base tools with these exact requirements!
  • Gregory
    Glad to see you again April, feel free to apply for academic license and you’ll get 25% discount! Read more information here – Licensing & Pricing.
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