Knowledge Base Manager Pro can be easily utilized as FAQ Software or Documentation Software with new feature that gives possibility to embed images, flash, and video to articles.

Use images, photos, screenshots, flash animation, and video as knowledge media for FAQs and documentation

Knowledge is not about articles and documents only. Textual information has many advantages, but best explanation can be done using it in combination of words, images, screenshots and video lessons. You can post business graphics, project charts, development schemes, sketches, video lessons, product photos, flash movies, or video podcasts easily with Knowledge Base Manager Pro. This feature will be included to upcoming Knowledge Base Manager Pro v5.1, but we already added it to a demo, so you can test it at any time.

To add media object, just click one of the three buttons while you edit an article.

Add media. Buttons on the wysiwyg toolbar.

It will open media gallery.

Media library

You can upload an image from your PC.

Upload image

Or even multiple images at a time.

Upload multiple images

It is also possible to get image from some website by URL.

Get image by URL

You can set special attributes for inserted object of each media type.

Flash object properties

Each media object is embedded directly to an article. If you want to attach some files for user to download, refer to attachments feature.

This feature is perfect if you use Knowledge Base Manager Pro as FAQ Software or Documentation Software.

We are open to discussion about what additional options and features you would like to add to WYSIWYG editor or Knowledge Base Manager Pro software in general. Please, do not hesitate to leave us a comment if you have anything to suggest regarding this topic.

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