5 Steps in Effectively Managing Your Knowledge

If you talk to knowledge managers today, each one of them will give you a different answer as to how knowledge is managed in their organizations. You’ll get different answers for what doesn’t work, too. However, the common denominator, knowledge – is the glue that keeps this process together.

Despite what the latest tech trends may tell us, knowledge management continues to thrive mainly because knowledge itself continues to be king. This is underscored by new entrants in the industry, steady employment opportunities for KM managers, and of course increased use of knowledge management systems by no other than customers themselves.

So how do you keep the “management” part in your knowledge? Management is efficiency. It includes improving workflows, staying connected and embracing a transparent and collaborative culture. Here are some ways to effectively stay “in the loop” with regards to managing your knowledge:

Increase visibility wherever possible

Keeping your workflows visible and accessible is a most fundamental starting point of any knowledge organizational structure.

Improve at every chance you get

Sometimes all you need is to ask yourself “Why am I publishing this?” Chances are it’s so that others see it, learn from it and contribute to it – with their feedback, criticism and connections.

Build collaborative networks

Your knowledge base can open up interactions with larger contact networks. The more you develop relationships with people, the more likely it is that you’ll collaborate with them across over time and build cross-network relationships.

Give content a purpose

Set up your posts as contributions with a purpose, not an exercise in branding – this will open the door to honest unbridled engagement with others.

Lastly, show value

Remember that in the connected world, there’s seemingly an endless amount of contributing you can do. It’s important not to get carried away and set up clearly defined goals of what you want to accomplish with every single article. Goals will streamline your learning, publishing process and in turn help your audience.

Organizations must realize that knowledge management goes past simple accumulation of data and is instead delicately intertwined with the act of leadership. While managers may just maintain your company’s knowledge, its management should be placed in the hands of the company’s employees, enshrined in company culture and mission – and most importantly – delivered by forward-thinking company leaders.

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