Author: Edward HardinReference Number: AA-00589Views: 9108Last Updated: 11/26/2010 03:11 PM
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You can find the information about current version on the System Info panel. Available updates and button that starts the update process are shown on the Updates pane.
The instructions below will help you find out if you have the latest version and if you need to extend Support & Maintenance subscription.
This picture shows that you have active support and can update KMP. Click the Update button to start and read the update instructions carefully.
These two pictures show that Support & Maintenance is expired and you cannot update the software right now. Though you have an old version (notice the difference between your version and the latest version) and can update it after extension of Support & Maintenance.
This is a picture of KMP of the latest version and active support. No need to update it (notice that the number of the latest version if not shown).