// --- Debug settings ---
// General application debug
define('KMP_DEBUG', 0); // 1 to enable, 0 to disable
// Database debug
define('DB_DEBUG', FALSE); // TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable
// --- Log settings (all logs are saved to the 'tmp' folder here) ---
// Write application and database errors and warnings into a log file ('log-%YYYY-MM-DD%.wss.log')
define('LOG_ERRORS', 0); // 1 - turn on logging, 0 - turn off logging
// Write KMP and LDAP server communication log ('ldap_log-%YYYY-MM-DD%.txt')
define('LOG_LDAP_OPERATIONS', FALSE); // TRUE - turn on logging, FALSE - turn off logging
// Write CRON task proccessing log ('cronlog.txt')
define('LOG_CRON_OPERATIONS', FALSE); // TRUE - turn on logging, FALSE - turn off logging
// Write articles autorelation processing log ('%YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS%_aid-2.txt')
define('LOG_ARTICLES_AUTORELATION', FALSE); // TRUE - turn on logging, FALSE - turn off logging