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How to embed images and videos via drag and drop

Author: Edward Hardin Reference Number: AA-00563 Views: 20799 Last Updated: 10/30/2014 03:17 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

KMP lets you upload images, flash, and  media files to the knowledge base and embed them directly to your articles. From now on  you can upload images and media files simply by dragging them from a folder on  your PC and dropping to the Media Manager. 

These two methods are currently supported in such modern browsers as Firefox and Chrome.

Watch the video to learn how it  works.

Drag-and-Drop Images and Media Files from a Local Folder to KB

You can even drag and drop images directly to your article!  Simply drag it from a local folder and drop to any place within your article  and here you go – image is automatically uploaded to the web site and embedded  to the article exactly next to your keyboard cursor.

Embed Image Just by Dropping it to Your Article

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This article applies to the following versions of Knowledgebase Manager Pro:6.0.3,6.1.*, 6.2, 6.2.2