Unable to login and do not get any "wrong password" message
Author: Edward Hardin Reference Number: AA-00489 Views: 14165 Last Updated: 08/10/2010 02:51 PM |
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This usually happens due to misconfiguration of PHP. PHP saves session information in a certain folder specified by session.save_path directive in the php.ini - Open your php.ini configuration file and find the following option
- It must not be commented (must not have a trailing ";" symbol) and it must point to an existing folder. If this folder does not exist, you can create one or change the session.save_path value, so that would point to an existing folder.
- PHP must have enough permissions to write to this folder.
- Save the php.ini and restart the web server.
Another possible cause of this problem is outdated PCRE, or PCRE without UTF+Unicode support. - Check that you have PCRE installed and that it is of 7.6 version of higher. You can see this on the phpinfo page:
