How to extend Support & Maintenance subscription and get access to new product versions?
Author: Gregory Koldman Reference Number: AA-00394 Views: 17535 Last Updated: 08/08/2009 04:58 PM |
39 Rating/ 7 Voters
Clients have access to those product versions and updates that has been released till the expiration date of their support and maintenance subscription. If you would like to get access to fresh versions you need to extend it. Subscription period can be checked and extended in member area: - Login to member area.
- Click on "Extend" link of the product and license that you want to extend support and maintenance subscription for. Link located at My Account > List of products you own > Last Column (Support & Maintenance Subscription).
- Choose subscription period from the list by Adding it to Cart.
- Perform payment.
After all the steps above you'll get notification email and your support subscription will be extended by the amount of months you purchased beginning from the date of purchase.