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Is there a way to hide cell borders in tables that you create?

Author: Antony Corsten Reference Number: AA-00381 Views: 13784 Last Updated: 12/21/2009 03:01 PM 13 Rating/ 2 Voters

To remove borders from table cells you just need to edit the style of your current theme.

To do that, go to the Customization > Manage Templates.
If you already use a custom theme, apply changes to it. Otherwise you need to create a new theme by clicking on the green plus button, apply changes to it and then go to the Customization >
Styling and Front-end Settings and enable the new theme.

What changes should be done.
Open the CSS > CSS template. Find the following text and delete or comment it out:

/* table styles */
div.kmp-gateway .txt td,
.txt td,
div.kmp-gateway .txt th,
.txt th {border: 1px solid #000;}

Click the "Apply" button, and this fix will be applied to your current theme in both front-end and WYSIWYG editor.