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Embedding login and password to the URL

Author: Edward Hardin Reference Number: AA-00310 Views: 95240 Last Updated: 09/04/2015 02:37 PM 50 Rating/ 3 Voters

Q: I will be using passworded access for my customers and internal staff. I will embed a link to the KB in my company's hosted application. Is there a syntax for embedding login credentials in the URL?

A: You can use the following link format to guide user to the login form with already filled login and password fields:

where "login" and "password" should be actual login information.

After opening of such an URL, user just needs to click "Login".

Password Restrictions

Please note that in order to work properly when embedded into a URL, password must contain only URL-safe characters, such as letters and numbers.

URL Rewrite

Please note that if URL Rewrite is not enabled in your KB, you would need to use the following link format (with added index.php?/ part):