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Password Generation

Author: Eileen Wilde Reference Number: AA-00161 Views: 8091 Last Updated: 06/24/2009 01:53 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

This feature might be helpful, if you want to generate a password for a user who submits the form. You can send generated password to the email address, save it to a database, or use like any other field.


gen_pass = field_name(num), dict_file.php


gen_pass = password(3) - will generate password with a length of three symbols
gen_pass = password - will generate a password with the default length (six symbols)
gen_pass = password, ../forms/sample/dict.php - will randomly select one of the passwords from the dictionary located at ../forms/sample/dict.php and write it to the "password" field.
Example of dict.php:
<?php header('Location: index.html'); ?> #DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE!

<?php header('Location: index.html'); ?> - this line will protect your password dictionary from unauthorized access. You should put the name of the actual file instead of "index.html" or create an empty "index.html" file.