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Custom error reporting

Author: Eileen Wilde Reference Number: AA-00119 Views: 8565 Last Updated: 09/28/2009 11:53 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

If you wish to change the way error messages are shown, you have to implement these settings in the configuration file:

block_begin - Error block beginning HTM
error_block_end - Error block ending HTML
error_msg_begin - Error message beginning HTML
error_msg_end - Error message ending HTML
error_field_style - Error field CSS style


error_block_begin = <TABLE align="center" border="1">
error_msg_begin = <TR><TD>
error_msg_end = </TD></TR>
error_block_end = </TABLE>
error_field_style = border: solid 1px red; background: yellow;

If an error occurs, the user will see the error message like a table, and error fields will be highlighted by a red border and yellow background.

You can suppress text about which fields were not filled correctly, and show your custom text instead of it using short_error_message in the config.php file


short_error_message = Please, fill in highlighted fields with correct information.

If an error appears, the user will see only the line:  Please, fill in highlighted fields with correct information.

Remember to put the <!-- FPP_ERROR --> tag at the point in the page where you'd like to display the error messages.