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Initial Configuration Script

Author: Eileen Wilde Reference Number: AA-00115 Views: 16434 Last Updated: 06/19/2009 02:43 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

We have included an Initial Configuration Script in the package in order to simplify FPP configuration for further form processing.  Using this script you will easily do the following:

  1. Check permissions for the required files and folders
  2. Configure the Email Sending feature (set the correct SMTP server)
  3. Configure the Database settings (if you intend to save form submissions to the database)
  4. Change the password for this configuration script

The script stores all parameters in the config.php file. And you can simply edit this file yourself if you understand what are you are doing and know your SMTP and DB parameters.

Run the Initial Configuration Script and follow the instructions in order to perform the initial Form Processor Pro configuration. The Initial Configuration Script is located in the fpp/install folder.

E.g.: If you've uploaded the fpp folder to the www root folder of your  server, you can access the Initial Configuration Script via

When you've completed the Initial Configuration Script wizard, you are ready to set up your first form.