Global Search

Quickly find anything from any place

Global search comes in handy when you’re not sure what item you want to find – an article, or a user comment, for example. You have definitely seen it somewhere, but do not remember where exactly.

Powerful full text search allows searching among article titles, descriptions, contents, categories, attachment titles and contents, comments, subscribers, questions and deleted articles.

Global search can be launched from any place in back-end. By default it searches the entire knowledge base.

Back-end search results in knowledge base software

Results from each module are shown in a separate grid. If a module doesn’t return any results, it is shown collapsed to save space.

You can choose what items you want to search using the advanced search options or just fold search results for each object type easily by clicking on container headers.

Back-end search results with folded data grids in knowledge base software

When you use global search in the back-end you see the results in data grids common for other modules of KnowledgeBase Manager Pro. All usual grid actions are available here: sorting, editing, deletion, view, group actions, grid preferences, etc.

With grid preferences you can define visible columns for each search result block separately, change the look of action and group action buttons, and customize the length of preview.

Data grid preferences in back-end search results in knowledge base

Advanced search options helps you to refine your search.

Back-end search options in knowledge base software

You can choose what item do you want to find exactly. It can be an article, a category, an attachment, a comment, or other items in any combination.

The What option in back-end search of knowledge base software

Category tree combobox allows you to choose where you want to search.

The Where option in back-end search of knowledge base software

It is possible to find items created within a certain period of time. You can also search for articles that were edited, published or expired within a given period.

The When option in back-end search of knowledge base software

You can search articles edited, authored, or deleted by certain user, comments added by certain user, and his profile.

The Who option in back-end search of knowledge base software

When you create a custom field, you can make it searchable in the back-end and it will be available here as one of the search options.

Search by custom field in back-end search of knowledge base

You can also quickly open an article if you know its ID. Just input it to the search field and hit Enter.

Open article from the knowledge base by ID


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